Lets talk lawns for a a minute... we may actually spray lawns in light rain. Now I know the term "light" is mildly subjective but our technicians are highly trained and, in our opinion, the best in the industry, they've been taught how much rain is too much. The reality is fertilizer is great in the rain and weed control can be still effective. Now if you're a new customer and we're still trying to get your weeds under control then we will probably postpone your application for a day when it's going to be dry but if you're an established customer with us and we've been maintaining your lawn for over a year your lawn should have very few weeds if any. At that point we are primarily concerned with weed management. These type of customers should not be effected at all by a little rain.
Now tree sprays are slightly different. Early in the year we do soil drenches that are not effected by rain whatsoever but as we get into actually spraying the trees in mid spring we're careful not to spray if it's raining too hard. A little rain is ok but heavy rain is not. Wait what? A little rain is ok? That's right, most of the critters we are trying to get rid of actually live on the underside of the leaf where very little water goes when it's only raining lightly. Also, as long as it doesn't rain hard for 10-15 minutes after the application the insecticide has time to dry and is rain proof at that point.
The last major area of concern is Spider Sprays in the rain. Spider Sprays are not effected at all by moisture. It a can actually be raining heavy and have zero effect. We know that sounds a little nutty but it's true. Remember if you've ordered the entire Spider Spray program it's a guaranteed service. So rest easy, even when it rains.
We hope this clears up some questions and concerns. Please remember we are always here to answer your question at 509-487-3439, or 1-800-LAWNCARE. You can also email us at contactus@livingwaterspray.com
Spokane Lawn Care, Spokane Tree Care, Spokane Pest Control, Spokane Fertilizer