There's a fairly new issue we're seeing in our Northwest lawns and I'm not talking about that neglectful neighbor that thinks nine inches is the proper mowing height and swears he prefers a
weed filled lawn because it has more character than one without weeds. Nope it's not that, in fact that problem has been around for years. We do have a solution however, buy your neighbor a
lawn program. We'll get that turf whipped into shape in no time flat. Actually the newer problem is billbugs.
Billbugs typically prefer a dryer climate such as Boise or the Tri Cities but they've found their way to Spokane and with the hot weather we've been having they seem to like the Lilac City. The biggest issue with billbugs is the symptoms of an infestation often look very much like more common problems.

Billbug damage usually appears in late-June through August, when
summer drought stress is common. Light infestations in lawns often
produce small dead spots that look like the turf disease, dollar
spot. Sometimes the damage looks like irregular mottling or browning
in the turf. Heavy infestations can result in complete destruction
of the turf, usually by August. The major problem with billbug
damage is that it looks like a variety of other problems. Most turf
managers confuse billbug damage with drought, disease, chinch bugs,
greenbugs or white grubs. Billbug damaged turf turns a whitish-straw
color rather than the yellow caused by greenbugs. Soil under
damaged turf is solid, not spongy as in white grub attacks.
To confirm billbug attacks, grasp the affected turf and pull upward.
If the stalks break easily at ground level and the stems are hollowed
out or are full of packed sawdust-like material, billbugs are the
If you think you might have billbugs please call us right away at 1-800-LAWNCARE or visit the website at
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