Yes, I'm pretty sure grassless is a word. If it's not I will create a Wikapedia page for it just to avoid being wrong. I have issues. Not major issues, but issues none-the-less. I only eat corn if it's on the cobb in it's natural state, I only wear black socks, and I cannot be wrong when it comes to grammar. That's it. It's those three things. It could be so much worse, right?
Enough of my ramblings. Even if grassless isn't an actual word, the truth about overseeding remains. It is not just for barren patches of dirt. You see overseeding, if done correctly, does wonders for new and mature lawns as well. Our process is a little involved but as you can see by the photo it works.
If your lawn is sparse with lots of ground showing through the turf we can help. Overseeding would be a huge benefit to you and will help thicken the turf up. If your lawn is decades old and tall fescues and bent grasses are creeping in, we can help. It would help push out the grass variations and give the lawn a nice uniform look. If you have a nice established lawn that you are looking to take to the next level; again, we can help. Overseeding will give your lawn the kick in the pants it needs to be the envy of your neighbors.
Our process is involved but it's certainly not rocket science. First we aerate the lawn. This allows for faster root development and more seed to dirt contact. Next we spread a top of the line blue grass seed. Not all seed is created equal. We are looking for results so the seed we use needs to reflect our commitment to that end. Finally we spread a special blend of grannual fertilizer over the top. This helps the soil germinate a greater ratio of seeds. The results are undeniable. It works. It's more affordable than you might think and it's not too late to do it this year. We probably have another month or so of growing season left and seeds will winter if we have a cold snap.
Call the office, 1-800-LAWNCARE, to schedule an estimate.
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