If we had a nickel for every time we were asked the question, "Do you know where we can get a tasty African watermelon?", we'd, um, well we'd be broke. But that doesn't mean that African watermelons aren't important. Furthermore it doesn't mean that African watermelons aren't important in Spokane. Further, furthermore it doesn't mean African watermelons aren't important to
Living Water customers because in a very direct way you helped grow them. That's right, while you may not be a hands-in-the dirt melon farmer, you are still, in a significant way responsible for those tasty summer treats. Even if they are grown half a world away in Adiedo Kenya.

A few years ago
Mike and Lisa Fairburn, Living Water's owners, were introduced to
Spring Of Hope International, a Christian non-profit group involved in bringing clean water and business opportunities to the people of Adiedo Kenya. While the ministry opportunities were immediate and obvious,
Mike and Lisa also relished in that fact that they would be able to invest their time, talents, and treasure (through the Living Water Foundation), in helping these beautiful people build a sustainable income to help their families and communities.

An opportunity to invest in agribusiness arose and they jumped at the chance to be a part. With investments of both time and money, a handful of small community farms were started. This not only provided an income source and jobs for the villagers, it also gave the young men and women a reason to stay in the villages instead of moving to the slums around Nairobi. So, not only do these farms establish the obvious monetary changes these poor villages need but it keeps families intact and helps with overall community wellbeing.

Our friend Martha is one of the leaders that oversee's the farming projects. You see her here in some of these pictures. The news coming out of the area is fantastic. We are seeing hope, promise, and sustainability in these villages restored. Yes, there is hope again in what once looked like a hopeless situation. In a very significant way, every
Living Water customer has a part in this. A percentage of every dollar we bring in goes to this mission in Adiedo Kenya. So while you might be paying us to make your lawn green, kill the dandelions, or get rid of those pesky aphids, you are also providing jobs and hope to people that desperately need it. And because of this we say THANK YOU!
Please remember the people of Adiedo and agribusiness in your prayers. Among their many needs is rain. Rain at the right times, in the right amounts to sustain the farming progress.
So the next time you get asked if you know where you can get a tasty African watermelon, you can say "Actually I invest in African farming and they produce some tasty mouth watering watermelons. Let me make a few calls."
Contact us at 509-487-3439, if you would like to know more about how you can make a difference in Adiedo, or visit
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