The leaves are turning hues that would make Crayola jealous just before making their pilgrimage south. Lying quietly having fulfilled their annual duty. Now giving one last bit of life before they wind up behind steel teach and black plastic. Content knowing their offspring will start the cycle again in the spring. A life well lived......
But I digress. A great way to honor the fallen leaves of yester year is to give their replacements the best possible shot at completing their cycle without disease or insect infestation. And believe it or not that starts now. This is the perfect time for a soil drench around your shade trees.

The soil drench is a systemic treatment full of nutrients and insect control that will be absorbed by the root system and stored until spring. This gives the tree a great shot at those early spring insect larva and diseases. The new growth is particularly vulnerable and needs all the help it can get. A
late fall soil drench coupled with a dormant oil spray in the spring is a great way to head off disease and infestation.
If you have any questions let us know by calling 1-800-LAWNCARE or visit our website
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