There can be two huge benefits to not having your sprinklers blown out before winter. The first is obvious, I mean who doesn't enjoy the beauty of a twenty foot tall geyser in the spring caused by an exploding sprinkler head. They're beautiful and the sound of running water is so peaceful. The second is less obvious but still fun and that is the pond you can create from a frozen line breaking under ground. If you let it go long enough you could probably add koi and some lily pads. You may eventually develop a safe haven for various water fowl.

However, if you don't want to turn your yard into Yellowstone Jr., we would highly recommend a sprinkler blowout. They're inexpensive and could save you a lot of headaches down the road. What happens is this: As the temperature cools and the ground freezes, so does everything in the ground including water left in sprinkler lines. As water freezes it expands often time bursting the plastic lines that transport water to sprinkler heads. You could also have similar problems with the heads themselves. They can retain enough water in the housing to break when it freezes. Costing time and money.

A simple solution is to let us come out and blow the lines out for you. The method is simple. We just hook a big air compressor to your system and turn it on. This forces air through the lines, driving the stored water through the lines and out of the sprinkler heads.
It's pretty painless and gets you all set for winter.
Call us at 1-800-LAWNCARE to get one scheduled. Or go to our
website and request we contact you.
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